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End of Semester Report
Spring 2025 End of Semester Report Due date: Monday, May 12, 2025
H-LSAMP Scholar Name (last, first)
Student ID number
Texas State email address
Minor (if applicable)
Anticipated date of graduation - month and year
Upload the final revised copy of your resume that you worked on this semester.
Drop files or click here to upload
Where did you submit your resume for editing and revision? Select all that apply.
The Writing Center
Texas State Career Services
My faculty mentor
HLSAMP Program Director
Did you apply for any other scholarships this semester?
If you answered yes, what scholarships did you apply for?
What scholarships did you receive (not including H-LSAMP)?
Are you a member of the University Honors Program?
Did you receive any special recognition, honors, or awards this semester? If so, please detail.
List all of the science student organizations that you are a member.
Have you done any volunteer work this semester or worked on a project with any of our science student organizations (i.e. that were NOT part of your Scholar Development Plan this semester)? Please provide details.
How often did you tutor visitors to the CLC or other H-LSAMP scholars?
How did tutoring others improve your STEM course content knowledge and/or your grades?
If you received tutoring from other H-LSAMP scholars, did it help improve your STEM course content knowledge and/or your grades?
yes, tutoring was very beneficial
yes, tutoring was beneficial
no, tutoring was not beneficial
not applicable
If you answered "not beneficial," please explain
Name of your faculty mentor this semester:
Did your faculty mentor show a sincere interest in mentoring you and in establishing a positive rapport? Was it easy to set up your meetings?
Describe two of the most beneficial activities you did (or issues you discussed) with your faculty mentor.
As a result of my meetings with my mentor, I gained the following knowledge, skills, attitude changes, or STEM-related opportunities:
Describe something you plan to do (or have done) as a result of your mentoring discussions this semester.
Suggestions for making the faculty member/H-LSAMP scholar mentoring partnership more effective for you.
Roughly how many books (not including your textbooks) would you say you read in a year?
one or two
between three and ten
What kind of non-textbook reading do you do throughout the year (e.g., journals, newspapers, magazines, particular websites, etc.) Please describe and estimate how much of your reading is done online vs. hard copies (paper).
Science Cafe Film & Book Discussion Group, check all that apply:
I did not participate in Science Cafe
I enjoyed participating in Science Cafe
I did not enjoy Science Cafe
The film/book was a good choice
The film/book was a poor choice
I will participate in Science Cafe again
I will not participate in Science Cafe again
If you participated in Science Cafe this semester, how was the book discussion this semester valuable to you - particularly as a STEM major? What "takeaways" do you have from this semester's book?
Movies I recommend for Fall 2025 Science Cafe
Check all that apply.
I worked in research this semester
I did an internship this semester
I served as a supplemental instructor, lab assistant, instructional assistant, tutor
I completed my Senior Design engineering course
I worked on a project for a science student organization this semester
I did volunteer service this semester
I have an officer role in a TXST student organization
Name & contact information of your project(s) supervisor - (Please include name, department/organization, and email address)
Describe your scholar project(s), role(s), and responsibilities. What were the most important experiences you had during your project(s)? What did you enjoy the most (and the least)? If you were a research assistant or were enrolled in Senior Design, please provide the official title of your research project or Senior Design project.
How did the project(s) relate to your academic and career goals?
My skills and abilities improved in the following areas as a result of participating in this project (check all that apply)
Laboratory and research skills
Problem-solving abilities
Ability to organize and follow through on responsibilities
Efficiency in planning and time management
Analytical skills
Effective communication (oral)
Effective communication (written)
Technical preparation
Ability to work in teams
Civic engagement
Has your research resulted in any journal papers (either submitted, pending, or already in print)? If so, please list which journal, article title, published date.
Did you attend any conferences this semester? If so, which ones?
If you attended a conference, please describe two conference sessions that you attended (other than the Career Fair) and what you found most valuable in these sessions.
In what ways will you use what you experienced and learned at this conference that relate to your educational and/or career goals?
What specific steps did you take AFTER the conference was over to make sure you’re maximizing the benefit of having attended?
Please list any awards, honors, or special recognitions that you received this semester
From the list below, please choose your TOP choice for our Fall '25 group social activity
G.O.A.L. Course at University Camp - day use
G.O.A.L. Course at University Camp - stay overnight
Bowling at Sunset Bowling Lanes in San Marcos
Canoeing/Rafting on the San Marcos River
Putt Pub Golf
Rock climbing at the student rec center
I am graduating so I won't be here to join in the fun!
If you chose "Other", please describe:
What did you enjoy the most this semester in the various activities associated with our H-LSAMP community?
Which parts of the H-LSAMP program do you consider to be the most valuable in developing your own goals? Please provide full explanation.
Summer '25 plans here - check all that apply
I am applying for summer internships or research experiences for undergraduates
I will be enrolled in a Study Abroad program
I will be taking summer classes
I will be working this summer in a job off campus
I will be working this summer in a job on campus
I will be graduating (in either May or August)
Please provide more specific details about your summer plans (or post-graduation plans) as listed above including the official name of your REU and the university that is hosting it, the position title of your internship and the company you will be working for, if you graduated, your job title and the company you will be working for, if attending graduate school, the name of your graduate program and the university you will be attending.
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